61 research outputs found

    New Japan Quality Management Model: Implementation Of New JIT For Strategic Management Technology

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    In the midst of the rapid advancement of “globalization – worldwide quality competition,” Japanese manufacturers are struggling for the realization of “simultaneous achievement of QCD (Quality, Cost and Delivery). Against this background, for the purpose of sharing intellectual information and strengthening cross-department cooperation, this study proposes “New Japan Quality Management Model” mainly in connection with the Quality Assurance Div. and TQM Promotion Div. Further, the effectiveness of this model is verified at Toyota. As a result, QCD was achieved simultaneously by collaboration of QA Division and TQM Division

    Proposal For Applying Quality Management Techniques To Manage Welfare Facilities For The Elderly

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    In recent years, the quality of services at welfare facilities for the elderly has come into question and differences in concepts and ways of approach toward quality are affecting facility performances. In the context of quality management, the concept of quality has extended from a mere focus on service to business processes, and now focuses specifically on quality in welfare facility management. Care workers have typically been responsible for the quality of care in welfare facilities. However, as it has become difficult to retain already-trained care workers and also source fresh, competent care workers to provide care for the elderly in welfare facilities, there is a pressing need to adopt measures to find, train, and retain skilled care workers. We propose a quality management model to effectively manage welfare facilities for the elderly with an emphasis on improving the intellectual productivity of care workers in these facilities. This model is centered mainly on information sharing to secure and develop skilled human resources in order to ensure the delivery of high quality services in these facilities. Moreover, in this model, it is conditional that CS, ES, SS are met under stable management and environment that same quality and optimal services are offered. Further, we report examples of the application of this model and its effectiveness

    Structure Modeling Of Improvement In The Quality Of Welfare Service And Research Trends On Welfare Industry In Japan

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    In Japan, the quality of service provided in elder care facilities is drawing special attention after the enforcement of the Long-term Care Insurance Act in 2000. This study is aimed at proposing a structure model on improvement in quality of welfare service and clearing a research trend on welfare industry in Japan by systematic review. At first, Key words regarding to the quality of welfare service were taken by related papers. And then we discussed those key words using KJ method and developed the structure model composed of four areas and three-layer structure. Second, a literature search was exhaustively performed with 12 keywords on Cinii and Google Scholar databases for papers published between 1991 and 2010. From the papers returned by the search, the 63 original papers were examined. This study showed that the staff’s care burden and nursing consciousness were featured themes. On the other hand, there were few researches as a customer satisfaction or information management. In addition, these researches only considered short-term effects.

    A Study Of Building An Intellectual Working Value Improvement Model IWV-IM

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    In order for Japan’s manufacturing industry to succeed amidst today’s global competition, companies must further increase the quality of tasks performed by on-site workers (worker dedication), thereby enabling them to create products with superior QCD. To this end, the authors investigated the problems currently facing manufacturing sites and identified their key factors. They then used these factors to formulate the Intellectual Working Value Improvement Model“IWV-IM”designed to improve working value and increase worker dedication. The effectiveness of this model was then verified

    Evolution Of Technology And Skills In Production Workplaces Utilizing Advanced TPS

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    The Japanese industrial companies demand changes. Simultaneous achievement of consistent quality worldwide, simultaneous startup and QCD (Quality, Cost and Delivery) is necessary to achieve successful global production. The authors think that evolution of technology and skill to realize a guarantee of high quality in production workplaces of production shop is necessary for a global production strategy. Therefore, in this paper, the authors focus on “intellectual working value” and propose the basic principle of intellectual working value improvement and the “Working Value Improvement Management Model”. Furthermore the evolution of technology and skill realizing a high cycle of manufacturing technique in a Japanese offshore production factory was verified at Toyota Motor Corporation

    A New Global Partnering Production Model NGP-PM Utilizing Advanced TPS

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    In order to improve quality at leading manufacturers’ overseas production bases from the perspective of “global production,” “a New Global Partnering Production Model, NGP-PM” - the strategic development of the “Advanced TPS” model - is proposed and its effectiveness discussed. The aim is to increase global quality by generating a synergetic effect that organically connects and promotes continual evolution of the production plants in Japan and overseas, as well as greater cooperation among production operators

    An Analysis Of Bottleneck Technology By Using Experiments And CAE -Example Of The Automotive Transaxle Oil Seal Leakage-

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    This research aims to clarify the technological mechanism by using experiment and CAE (Computer Aided Engineering). Concretely, we take up the automotive transaxle oil seal leakage. To clarify an unknown mechanism, the dynamic behavior on the surface of the seal lip in the drive shaft high-speed rotation was observed with the visualization device. The authors thus achieved the desired results

    Proposal And Development Of The Direct Mail Method PMCI-DM For Effectively Attracting Customers

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    Observations of recent changes in the marketing field reveal that a marketing and sales system that places further emphasis on interaction with the customer must be established. The authors conducted a demonstrative study that focused on creating effective direct mail and promotional advertisements for attracting customers to dealers. We consider these strategies to be elemental technologies vital to “forming ties with the customer.” Finally, the authors established “PMCI-DM” (Practical use Model of Customer Information for Direct Mail) and applied it at Company A, a foreign-funded automobile sales company. We were thus able to demonstrate this strategy’s effectiveness

    Proposal And Validity Of The Product Planning Business Model A-POST ? The Application Of The Text Mining Method To Scooter Exterior Design

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    In this paper, the authors propose the product planning business model A-POST, which captures the customers tastes exactly and reflects them in the styling design of a product. Specifically, the authors have created a new product design concept using the text mining method which analyzes customers opinions in a language state. As an example of the application of this research, the authors applied this method to the product design process of a new scooter and obtained the results shown

    A Study On Automobile Form Design Support Method "AFD-SM"

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    In this research, by assigning attention to the automobile “form,” details that were previously ambiguous, such as “roundness” and “angle”, are represented numerically. With the aim of measuring the degree of influence of customer sensibility, the “Automobile Design Form Support Method (ADF-SM)”is utilized. Using CAD, the authors have constructed a model of a form-altered automobile to quantitatively evaluate the degree of influence of customer sensitivity. By using this support method, an automobile form is created, which expresses the concept sought by the customer, verifying its effectiveness
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